Home Repair

Since 2010, TPP has offered free home repair to our neighbors in numerous neighborhoods of Northwest Philadelphia.

Interested Homeowners



Must be located in the following Zip Codes:

19126 (west of Broad St.)
19144 (west of Broad St.)

Must own your home and currently reside there.

Must be current on your property taxes.

Must meet the “Very Low Income” limit as outlined by HUD’s Income Limits Summary. As of 2024 these are:

1 - $40,150
2 - $45,900
3 - $51,650
4 - $57,350
5 - $61,950

We primarily seek to serve the elderly, disabled, single-parent homes, or those struggling with hardship.

What Repairs do you make?

We focus on projects that make homes safer, warmer, & drier.

We are able to do most interior repairs including light plumbing & electrical.

We can consider some minor structural repairs.

We are unable to do roofing repairs.

How it works

We partner with a local construction company to manage our projects and make major repairs.

Teams of youth and adult volunteers complete the vast majority of the repairs, under the guidance of our construction coordinator.

The summer is when we do the bulk of our construction work, during the weeks of our Summer of Service.

There is no cost to the homeowner for the work we do.


Learn More about our current homeowners!

Join us in helping to repair and rebuild homes in the neighborhoods of Northwest Philadelphia!