February Monthly Minute: A Story of Impact

Imagine a program where kids don't just get equal care while their parents work but actually receive the support and resources they need to succeed in the classroom! This is what equity is all about, and this is what we are trying to accomplish in our educational assistance program at Atonement Church in Germantown, Phila. Pennsylvania ranks near the worst in the nation in the “opportunity gap” across a few ethnic and economic markers! Our program provides child care, learning assistance, financial support, and a helping hand to families and children who need it most. It used to be an only afterschool program, but we've adapted it to an in-person virtual learning support program.

Kids arrive at the program and log on to their virtual classes. Our teachers guide them through the day, helping them stay on task, and teaching them concepts that aren’t getting through "zoom-class" clear enough.

Our aims are simple:

  • to provide support to the students who need extra help or have fallen behind in school

  • to bridge the support gap between school and home

  • to give the students the practice, encouragement, or materials they may not receive at home

  • to provide more than just childcare, but also a supportive environment that focuses on the student's educational, social, and emotional well-being

Here are a few testimonials from the program:

A mom after a parent teacher conference - 'My son has greatly improved, and it was all due to him coming here every day, so thank you.'"

A student - "I really like coming here because I don't always know how to do my work, and you help me a lot."

Another student - "I love being around my friends. Plus, your one of my top three favorite teachers."

We are raising money for the scholarship fund for this program. These funds allow us to help families regardless of their ability to pay. $50 will provide a student with one week of learning assistance. Would you join us in this campaign? You could be an integral part of providing equitable learning assistance to children who need it but cannot afford it.


March Monthly Minute: Our Local Church Partners


January Monthly Minute: A New Definition of Greatness