June Monthly Minute: Summer of Service 2020 Interns


Three months ago, we never would have imagined we’d be where we are today.

Three months ago, everything came to a screeching halt.

Three months ago, we became a remote organization.

Three months ago, we were struggling with almost every assumption that made our organization and our ministry possible.

But three months ago, we weren't able to see how God was going to get us to today.

Today, we are celebrating the launch of our 11th Summer of Service.

Today, we have 11 intern staff serving in the community, under the leadership and vision of the local church.

Today, we are making massive strides towards the final big projects for one of our homeowners—by the end of the summer she will have a kitchen with new floors and cabinets and she’ll have a completely gutted and rebuilt bathroom!

Today, we are sitting in the spaces of racial conflict and justice with young people who are tomorrow’s leaders. We seek to listen and respond together in light of the Gospel’s radical call to both mercy and justice.

Three months ago, we weren’t sure we would be able to do anything this summer. This week, a pastor of one of our partner churches shared with us: “This summer has the potential to have the greatest impact by TPP on the local church that we have ever seen.”

Our interns are serving at 4 local churches:

  1. Roxborough Church

  2. Wissahickon Church

  3. Reformed Episcopal Church of the Atonement

  4. Hope City Christian Church Philly

They will be serving in areas of children’s ministry, construction, and mercy ministries. During these challenging times in the midst of COVID-19, they will provide some much needed hands and feet for churches that are now seeing more needs than ever in their local neighborhoods.


July Monthly Minute: Home Owner-Ms. Lola