September Monthly Minute: Meet our 2020 College Scholars

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What are you studying at Carin? “I'm at Cairn University, and I'm studying Vocal BA. It's primarily vocal, but the BA part gives me a taste of instruments and different types of music fundamentals."

Do you have long or short term goals with this? "Ever since I started using my voice to glorify God, many blessings and doors were opened up for me. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I definitely want to go in the worship route. I'm going on a road that the Lord put me on."

What are you most looking forward to this school year and the years ahead? "I'm here to learn. I'll admit that previous years I just wanted to get the work done and graduate, but the professors are direct and kind here, and I have breaks between classes. It's giving me the motivation I need. I'm here to learn above everything else."

What's your story? "I was born and raised in North Philadelphia. It's me, my mom, my siblings, and Grandparents, so we have a good bunch in the home."

What is your connection to TPP? "It was brought up to me from the school I went to...International Christian High School. The school and TPP had a meeting to discuss which student would receive the scholarship, and when they chose me and told me it was a full scholarship, I was so amazed and relieved! The best part of it is that I get to do ministry with the scholarship. It's a perfect mixture."

Anything funny or interesting about yourself that you can share? "Something funny is that I'm actually still scared of the dark. I will genuinely humble myself to say this. When I'm in the basement, and I turn off the light, I start speed walking."

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What are you studying? "Right now, my major is psychology with a minor in Youth Ministry. I'm actually studying from home. I'm also looking into Exercise Science."

What is Exercise Science? "It's kind of a mix between physical therapy, counseling, and training. One thing that stood out to me about this major is approaching body and image issues in the athletic world. It means a lot to me because I'm a dancer, and I grew up with this rigorous picture of what it looks like to be a dance. I'm super tiny, and throughout my dance career, I've heard a lot of things about my body and what I look like. I've also had many amazing teachers who teach that we don't have to fit that mold. I would love to continue to teach dance and love to encourage people in the dance world."

Do you have any big plans for the future yet? "I would love to teach girls that their identity is in Christ. I feel a strong call from the Lord towards mission work. So much of missions is just loving people right around you and being the image-bearer of Christ. I just want to serve for the Kingdom."

When you get back to campus, what are you looking forward to? “Definitely the community. I love being around people and meeting new people. I'm also really excited about Chapel. I've loved praying before class and the teaching I'm getting from a biblical perspective. I've never had that before, so I'm looking forward to experiencing that in person."

What is your connection to TPP? “I served with TPP for a week during my Freshman year of High School. I also served on a Blitz Weekend in my sophomore year.”

Is there anything you remember about TPP that you're looking forward to experiencing again? "The week that I spent at TPP was one of the most defining moments in my life. I know that this was the Lord working but also working through the staff and leaders at TPP. I was doing Mercy Ministry. Going into that week, I was such a shy person, but the intern who led me made it comfortable for me to go up and just serve people. The Lord really met me there. One of the first nights Pastor Ray was teaching, and he talked about the love that Christ has for us and the ways Jesus loved to serve. He talked about how we now get to do the same. That hit me so hard. The second you're at TPP, you're included, and they want to prepare you to go out and serve. Everything that is done at TPP is intentional and purposeful to help students meet with the Lord. TPP is a place with the Lord is moving, and now I get to be a part of it! It's so exciting!"

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What is your major? "I'm majoring in Marketing. I don't have a minor yet, but I've been flirting with the idea of sociology. We'll see where that goes."

Do you have any long-term plans with your studies? "This past year, I've been a lot more passionate and involved with small artists. I've been wanting to help push their brand and help them pursue their dreams through marketing tactics. I want them to pursue their art and their dreams."

What're you most looking forward to at school? "I didn't go to college right out of high school, so this is my first experience. I'm just excited to experience college life even though COVID is a reality. I'm really excited about making friends."

How did you get connected with TPP? "I got connected with TPP at the wonderful age of 15. I came with my high school on a 2 week-long mission trip in the winter. After a week there, I just knew I needed to come back. I've been serving every summer since as a Junior Intern, a Summer Intern, and then a Year-Long Internship."

What is it that you love about The Philly Project in just a few short words? "Teaching youth about urban living and experience."

What's one exciting thing about you? "This year is the first year that there is an E-Sports Team at Eastern. It's a competitive video game playing sport. So, I tried out, and I'll be playing for Varsity Super Smash Bros. I'm actually really, really excited about this."


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A statement on Racial Injustice from our board of directors